Penggunaan selang aerasi untuk kebutuhan perangkat aerator kolam ini tentunya memiliki peran penting. Dirancang dengan ukuran tabung aerasi dengan Inner Diameter (I.D) 12mm dan Outer Diameter (O.D) 20mm.
AirMMax memproduksi berbagai ukuran tabung aerasi untuk memenuhi persyaratan aerasi budidaya udang dan ikan dengan kepadatan tinggi.
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Aeration Tube 12*20
AirMMax 20*30aeration tube is aeration tube size with Inner Diameter (I.D) of 12mm and Outer Diameter (O.D) of 20mm.
EfficientDissolvedOxygenAirMMax aeration tube release fine bubble uniformly from microporous wall of aeration tube put at the bottom of aquaculture pond, fine bubble rise slowly from the pond bottom to the surface which makes fine bubble have highersurface contactarea and longercontact period with water, which ensure oxygen of fine bubble efficiently dissolved into the water.